
1900 MIPS assembly instructions running on a SystemVerilog processor built from spit and toothpicks in COMP 541 (Digital Logic and Computer Design).

Grade: 100%

Extra credit: $\frac{4}{5}$


Rubik’s cube simulator:


Performs all moves: rotations, slices etc. Undo as well.

Scrambles using PRNG. Generates 8 scrambles. User can modify them but only that last 8 are saved.

Two hardwire modifications: Random number using hardware LFSR. Timer in Verilog on board — LEDs display information.

Nice features: Status bar shows scrambling pattern. Easter egg — sprites change after you solve it. Accelerometer tilt makes rotations. Sound/Jingle on solve win!

All in all, what a truly wonderful project. Initially I thought it would be a pretty tough one to complete, but you successfully did it. In fact, hit it out of the park! Worthy of extra credit (reported separately).

— Professor Montek Singh


Code line count - imem.mem is instruction memory

MIPS processor implemented in SystemVerilog and deployed on Nexys A7 FPGA board