< <div class="social-icons">
> <!-- Added padding-bottom: 0px; for no gap between social icons and words in the footer.
> However, maintain padding-top because it's in the homepage (index_profile) under the subtitle. -->
> <div class="social-icons" style="padding-bottom: 0px;">
<     <a href="{{ trim .url " " }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer me" title="{{ (.title | default .name) | title }}">
>     <!-- Define icon_name, taken from svg.html. -->
>     {{- $icon_name := ( trim .name " " | lower )}}
>     <!-- Added style="border-bottom: none;" to disable underline below social icon -->
>     <!-- Removed target="_blank" and rel="noopener noreferrer" -->
>     <!-- Also, if the icon/link is linkedin, then use data-proofer-ignore attribute to exclude the LinkedIn
>     link from htmltest. The link would return non-OK status 999, which makes htmltest freak out. -->
>     <a style="border-bottom: none;" href="{{ trim .url " " }}" rel="me" title="{{ (.title | default .name) | title }}"
>     {{- if eq $icon_name "linkedin" -}}
>     data-proofer-ignore
>     {{- end -}}
>     >