> /*
> Made some of my own modifications
> For code blocks to follow the theme color, followed
> https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/pull/143/files#diff-12ad2b661fa0eda6278867e1a9f6e4debd09ba3cb2e09410ead9e2f459d9cbdd
> */
< .post-content a,
< .toc a:hover {
> /*
>     Separated this off from .toc a:hover
>     .post-content a gets underline
> */
> .post-content a {
> /* No underline on ToC hover */
> .toc a:hover {
>     box-decoration-break: clone;
>     -webkit-box-decoration-break: clone;
> }
<     background: var(--hljs-bg) !important;
>     /* Deleted this, fixes https://github.com/jesse-wei/jessewei.dev-PaperMod/issues/18#issuecomment-1558471532 */
<     color: rgb(213, 213, 214);
<     background: var(--hljs-bg) !important;
>     /* Removed this */
< .toc .inner {
<     margin: 0 20px;
<     padding: 10px 20px;
< }
< .post-tags a:hover,
> /* Separated .post-tags a:hover and .paginav a:hover */
> .post-tags a:hover {
>     background: var(--border);
>     color: var(--carolina_blue);
> }
< .paginav span:hover:not(.title) {
<     box-shadow: 0 1px 0;
< }
> /*
> Don't underline .paginav .next:hover and .paginav .prev:hover
> Since the text already changes color
> */
> }
> /*
> Begin side/hover ToC
> https://github.com/reorx/hugo-PaperModX/blob/master/assets/css/common/post-single.css
> */
> .toc {
>     margin: 0 2px 40px 2px;
>     border: 1px solid var(--border);
>     background: var(--code-bg);
>     border-radius: var(--radius);
>     padding: 0.4em 0;
> }
> @media screen and (min-width: 1350px) {
>     .toc.side {
>         position: fixed;
>         top: 118px;
>         z-index: 1;
>         max-height: calc(100% - 150px);
>         overflow: auto;
>         /* Note: Moved this inside the side ToC so the fixed ToC has normal font size */
>         font-size: .8em;
>     }
>     .toc.side::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
>         border: 5px solid var(--code-bg);
>     }
>     .toc.side.left {
>         left: 15px;
>         width: 250px;
>     }
>     .toc.side.right {
>         right: 15px;
>         width: 265px;
>     }
>     /* Don't color the active link if ToC isn't on the side */
>     .toc li a.active {
>         /* Modification, color link instead of changing background color, less distracting */
>         color: var(--carolina_blue);
>     }
> }
> .toc details summary {
>     cursor: pointer;
>     margin-inline-start: 15px;
> }
> .toc .details {
>     display: inline;
>     font-weight: 500;
> }
> .toc .inner {
>     padding: 10px 15px 5px 35px;
> }
> .toc ul {
>     margin: 0;
>     padding: 0;
> }
> .toc li ul {
>     margin-inline-start: 20px;
> }
> .toc li a {
>     line-height: 1.5em;
>     padding: 3px 5px;
>     border-radius: 5px;
>     display: block;
> }
> /* Removed .toc li a:hover because my a:hover already makes the link blue */
> .toc summary:focus {
>     outline: 0;